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Building a Library Management System in Python

July 12, 2024
Prof. Emily Wong
Prof. Emily
🇨🇦 Canada
Prof. Emily Wong, with a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Sydney, has completed over 600 Python programming test assignments. She specializes in Python topics such as data visualization, web scraping, natural language processing, and game development.
Tip of the day
Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
In 2025, JetBrains Fleet 2.0 introduced AI-powered code completion, while VS Code added advanced AI-driven bug detection and coding assistants, enhancing programming efficiency.
Key Topics
  • Creating a Python Library Management System
  • Analyzing a Python Library Management System
  • `register_new_user` Function
  • `main` Function
  • Initializing Book List, Names, Library, and User
  • Main Loop for User Interaction
  • Logging In (Choice 1)
  • Actions After Logging In
  • Registering as a New User (Choice 2)
  • Quitting (Choice 3)
  • Handling Invalid Selections
  • Program Execution
  • Conclusion

We believe in the power of education and technology. In this comprehensive guide, we are excited to guide you through the process of creating a Python-based Library Management System. Whether you're a student who's just starting to learn Python or a seasoned developer looking to build a practical application, this guide will take you on a step-by-step journey, helping you unlock the potential of Python in library management.

Creating a Python Library Management System

Explore our guide on 'Building a Python Library System.' Whether you're a student or a developer, this guide provides valuable insights into library management in Python. If you need help with your Python assignment, our expert team is here to assist you in mastering this topic and more. This comprehensive guide covers everything from creating a library management system to handling book checkouts, returns, and donations. Join us on this educational journey to enhance your Python skills and create practical applications with confidence.

Analyzing a Python Library Management System

This Python code represents a simple library management system. It allows users to register as students or regular users, login, view and interact with a catalog of books, check out, return, or donate books, and perform various library-related tasks. Let's break down the code into small blocks and provide a theoretical discussion of each block.

Import Statements

```python from Book import Book from Library import Library from Student import Student from User import User ```

These lines import necessary classes (Book, Library, Student, and User) from external modules, presumably used in the library management system.

`register_new_user` Function

```python def register_new_user(lib): print("OK, great, you want to register as a new user. Are you a student or regular user?\n") print("------------------------------") print("1. Student") print("2. Regular User") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": print("Ok, you are a student. Students can check out up to 6 books at a time.\n") print("What's your name?\n") name = input("") print("What school do you go to?\n") school = input("") print("What grade are you in?\n") grade = input("") student = Student(name, grade, school) lib.add_user(student) return student elif choice == "2": print("Ok, you are a regular user. Regular users can check out up to 3 books at a time.\n") name = input("What's your name? ") user = User(name) lib.add_user(user) return user ```

This function allows a user to register as either a student or a regular user. It collects user information such as name, school, and grade for students or just the name for regular users. It then creates a `Student` or `User` object and adds it to the library's user list.

`main` Function

```python def main(): book_list = [ Book("python", "Alex"), Book("advance cpp", "Ryan"), Book("dsa", "John Doe"), Book("java", "Jane Smith"), Book("the great gatsby", "Robert Johnson"), Book("to kill a mockingbird", "Emily Davis"), Book("complete history of the world", "Michael Anderson"), Book("the da vinci code", "Sarah Thompson"), Book("the count of monte cristo", "David Wilson"), Book("how to win friends and influence people", "Laura Brown"), Book("the catcher in the rye", "Daniel Taylor"), Book("a tale of two cities", "Sophia Martinez") ] names = [] IDin = False user = "" lib = Library(book_list, names) running = True while running: print("------------------------------") print("Welcome to Eastbrook library") print("------------------------------") print("1. Login") print("2. Register As New User") print("3. Quit") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": ID = int(input("Ok, please enter your ID: ")) for i in lib.get_users(): if i.get_ID() == ID: IDin = True user = i break if IDin: print(f"Welcome {user.get_name()}, what would you like to do today?\n") while True: print("------------------------------") print("1. View current list of books") print("2. View a book's information") print("3. Checkout a book") print("4. Return a book") print("5. Donate a book") print("6. Logout") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": lib.display_books() elif choice == "2": print("Ok, great, what book would you like more information on?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: print("Great, here you go: \n") book.display_info() else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "3": if isinstance(user, Student): if len(user.get_borrowedBooks()) >= 6: print("Sorry, regular users can only check out up to 6 books at a time. Please return 1 book before you check out another.") continue elif isinstance(user, User): if len(user.get_borrowedBooks()) >= 3: print("Sorry, regular users can only check out up to 3 books at a time. Please return 1 book before you check out another.") continue print("Ok, great, what book would you like to check out?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: user.borrow_book(book) lib.checkout_book(book) else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "4": print("Ok, great, what book would you like to return?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: user.return_book(book) lib.return_book(book) else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "5": print("Ok, great, what is the title of the book you would like to donate?\n") title = input("") print("And the author?\n") author = input("") book = Book(title, author) lib.add_book(book) elif choice == "6": break else: print("Sorry, that user ID was not found in our system. You can register as a new user or exit.\n") print("------------------------------") print("1. Register As New User") print("2. Exit") choice = input("Please enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": new_user = register_new_user(lib) ID = new_user.get_ID() print(f"Thank you. Here is your ID: {ID}.") continue else: print("Thank you. Bye-bye.") break elif choice == "2": new_user = register_new_user(lib) ID = new_user.get_ID() print(f"Thank you. Here is your ID: {ID}.") continue elif choice == "3": break else: print("Invalid selection, please try again!!!\n") continue print("Thank you!!!") ```

This is the main function that orchestrates the entire library management system. It initializes a list of `Book` objects, sets up the library, and enters a loop where users can log in, perform various tasks, and interact with the library's functionality.

Initializing Book List, Names, Library, and User

```python book_list = [...] names = [] IDin = False user = "" lib = Library(book_list, names) ```

  • `book_list` is a list of `Book` objects representing the library's collection.
  • `names` is an empty list that seems to be unused.
  • `IDin` is a flag used to check if a user's ID is found in the system.
  • `user` is an empty string that stores the currently logged-in user.
  • `lib` is an instance of the `Library` class, initialized with the book list and empty names list.

Main Loop for User Interaction

```python while running: print("------------------------------") print("Welcome to Eastbrook library") print("------------------------------") print("1. Login") print("2. Register As New User") print("3. Quit") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": ID = int(input("Ok, please enter your ID: ")) for i in lib.get_users(): if i.get_ID() == ID: IDin = True user = i break if IDin: print(f"Welcome {user.get_name()}, what would you like to do today?\n") while True: print("------------------------------") print("1. View current list of books") print("2. View a book's information") print("3. Checkout a book") print("4. Return a book") print("5. Donate a book") print("6. Logout") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": lib.display_books() elif choice == "2": print("Ok, great, what book would you like more information on?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: print("Great, here you go: \n") book.display_info() else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "3": if isinstance(user, Student): if len(user.get_borrowedBooks()) >= 6: print("Sorry, regular users can only check out up to 6 books at a time. Please return 1 book before you check out another.") continue elif isinstance(user, User): if len(user.get_borrowedBooks()) >= 3: print("Sorry, regular users can only check out up to 3 books at a time. Please return 1 book before you check out another.") continue print("Ok, great, what book would you like to check out?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: user.borrow_book(book) lib.checkout_book(book) else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "4": print("Ok, great, what book would you like to return?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: user.return_book(book) lib.return_book(book) else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "5": print("Ok, great, what is the title of the book you would like to donate?\n") title = input("") print("And the author?\n") author = input("") book = Book(title, author) lib.add_book(book) elif choice == "6": break else: print("Sorry, that user ID was not found in our system. You can register as a new user or exit.\n") print("------------------------------") print("1. Register As New User") print("2. Exit") choice = input("Please enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": new_user = register_new_user(lib) ID = new_user.get_ID() print(f"Thank you. Here is your ID: {ID}.") continue else: print("Thank you. Bye-bye.") break elif choice == "2": new_user = register_new_user(lib) ID = new_user.get_ID() print(f"Thank you. Here is your ID: {ID}.") continue elif choice == "3": break else: print("Invalid selection, please try again!!!\n") continue print("Thank you!!!") ```

The code enters a while loop that repeatedly displays a menu of options for users to select from.

  • Users can log in, register as a new user, or quit.

Logging In (Choice 1)

```python if choice == "1": ID = int(input("Ok, please enter your ID: ")) for i in lib.get_users(): if i.get_ID() == ID: IDin = True user = i break if IDin: print(f"Welcome {user.get_name()}, what would you like to do today?\n") while True: print("------------------------------") print("1. View current list of books") print("2. View a book's information") print("3. Checkout a book") print("4. Return a book") print("5. Donate a book") print("6. Logout") choice = input("Enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": lib.display_books() elif choice == "2": print("Ok, great, what book would you like more information on?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: print("Great, here you go: \n") book.display_info() else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "3": if isinstance(user, Student): if len(user.get_borrowedBooks()) >= 6: print("Sorry, regular users can only check out up to 6 books at a time. Please return 1 book before you check out another.") continue elif isinstance(user, User): if len(user.get_borrowedBooks()) >= 3: print("Sorry, regular users can only check out up to 3 books at a time. Please return 1 book before you check out another.") continue print("Ok, great, what book would you like to check out?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: user.borrow_book(book) lib.checkout_book(book) else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "4": print("Ok, great, what book would you like to return?\n") book_name = input("") book = None for available_book in book_list: if available_book.get_title() == book_name: book = available_book break if book: user.return_book(book) lib.return_book(book) else: print("No book exists with the given name \n") elif choice == "5": print("Ok, great, what is the title of the book you would like to donate?\n") title = input("") print("And the author?\n") author = input("") book = Book(title, author) lib.add_book(book) elif choice == "6": break else: print("Sorry, that user ID was not found in our system. You can register as a new user or exit.\n") print("------------------------------") print("1. Register As New User") print("2. Exit") choice = input("Please enter your choice: ") if choice == "1": new_user = register_new_user(lib) ID = new_user.get_ID() print(f"Thank you. Here is your ID: {ID}.") continue else: print("Thank you. Bye-bye.") ```

  • The user is prompted to enter their ID.
  • The code checks if the ID is found in the system.
  • If the ID is found, the user is presented with a menu of actions they can perform: view books, view book information, check out a book, return a book, donate a book, or logout

Actions After Logging In

These actions (viewbooks, view book information, check out a book, return a book, donate a book) are detailed and tailored to the type of user (Student or User) with limitations on how many books they can check out.

Registering as a New User (Choice 2)

```python elif choice == "2": new_user = register_new_user(lib) ID = new_user.get_ID() print(f"Thank you. Here is your ID: {ID}.") continue ```

  • The user is prompted to register as a new user.
  • Depending on whether they choose to be a student or a regular user, the code collects relevant information and adds a `Student` or `User` object to the library's user list.

Quitting (Choice 3)

```python elif choice == "3": break ```

If the user chooses to quit, the program exits the while loop, and the message "Thank you!!!" is displayed, ending the program.

Handling Invalid Selections

```python else: print("Invalid selection, please try again!!!\n") continue ```

If the user enters an invalid choice, they are prompted to try again.

Program Execution

```python if __name__ == "__main__": main() ```

This conditional block ensures that the `main()` function is executed when the script is run as a standalone program, effectively starting the library management system


This Python Library Management System provides a comprehensive solution for managing a library's collection and user interactions. Whether you're an aspiring Python developer or a student interested in building practical applications, this project offers valuable insights into creating interactive, real-world systems. Use it as a starting point to explore more advanced features and enhance your Python programming skills. By delving deeper into this project, you can gain a deeper understanding of software architecture, database management, and user interface design. It's a stepping stone towards becoming a proficient developer capable of tackling more complex projects and contributing to the ever-evolving field of technology.

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