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Java Database Testing Simplified with JUnit

July 12, 2024
Dr. Marlowe Emberly
Dr. Marlowe
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
Dr. Marlowe Emberly is a trailblazer in the field of computer science, having earned her PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, renowned for its excellence in research and academia. With eight years of experience in the industry, Marlowe has completed over 800 Java Homework assignments with unparalleled dedication and expertise.
Tip of the day
Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
In 2025, JetBrains Fleet 2.0 introduced AI-powered code completion, while VS Code added advanced AI-driven bug detection and coding assistants, enhancing programming efficiency.
Key Topics
  • Crafting Strong Database Tests with Java and JUnit
  • Block 1: Import Statements
  • Block 2: Class Declaration
  • Block 3: `testDBConnection` Method
  • Block 4: `testResults` Method
  • Block 5: Database Query and Result Processing
  • Block 6: Result Output
  • Block 7: Exception Handling
  • Conclusion

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore Java database testing with JUnit by examining a sample test class. This example demonstrates how to connect to a database, perform queries, and process the results using Java and JUnit. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the fundamentals or an experienced developer seeking best practices, this guide will equip you with the essential skills for effective database testing in Java.

Crafting Strong Database Tests with Java and JUnit

Explore our comprehensive guide on building robust database tests with Java and JUnit. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide equips you with essential skills for effective testing. If you need help with your Java assignment, our resources are here to assist you in mastering database testing in Java. Additionally, you'll find practical tips, examples, and best practices to ensure your Java applications are thoroughly tested and error-free. Whether you're a student or a professional, this guide will be your trusted companion in the world of Java database testing.

Block 1: Import Statements

```java import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.File; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.stream.Collectors; ```

  • This block includes import statements necessary for the code, including classes for working with JUnit, database connections, file operations, and more.

Block 2: Class Declaration

```java public class FacilityMainTest { ```

  • This block defines the `FacilityMainTest` class, which contains the test methods.

Block 3: `testDBConnection` Method

```java public void testDBConnection() { // Establish a database connection TestDb2Util dbUtil = new TestDb2Util(); Connection conn = dbUtil.getDB2Connection("ET20"); // Assert that the database connection is not null assertNotNull("Database connection is null", conn); } } ```

  • This block is a JUnit test method named `testDBConnection`. It tests the database connection by invoking the `getDB2Connection` method from the `TestDb2Util` class and asserts that the connection is not null.

Block 4: `testResults` Method

```java @Test public void testResults() throws Exception { try { // Establish a database connection TestDb2Util dbUtil = new TestDb2Util(); Connection conn = dbUtil.getDB2Connection("ET20"); // Create a SQL statement and execute a query Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT mm1_org_code, mm1_dn_code, mm1_br_code, mm1_name, mm1_type_code, mm1_street_addr, " + "mm1_city_name, mm1_state_code, mm1_country_abbrv, mm1_zip_code, mm1_finance_no, " + "mm1_time_zone, mm1_daylight_ind, mm1_fac_latitude, mm1_fac_longitude, " + "mm1_dist_code, mm1_resp_bmc_code, mm1_resp_scf_code, mm1_resp_pdc_code, mm1_resp_asf_code, " + "mm1_resp_icp_code, mm1_odis_code, mm1_csa_code, " + "mm1_resp_msc_code, mm1_division_code, mm1_pmpc_ind, " + "mm1_fac_id, mm1_parent_id, mm1_fac_sub_type, mm1_fac_type, " + "mm1_fac_status " + "FROM ADMINT.MINI_M1_T ORDER BY mm1_org_code fetch first 100 rows only;"); // Create a list to store facility objects for each row List<facility> facList = new ArrayList<facility>(); while (rs.next()) { facList.add(new Facility(rs)); } // Display list size System.out.println("Number of facilities: " + facList.size()); // Store all data into a temp file FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File("facility.txt")); for (Facility fac : facList) { writer.write(fac.toString() + "\n"); } writer.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { assertTrue(false); } } ```

This block is another JUnit test method named `testResults`. It tests querying a database and processing the results. It uses a try-catch block to handle exceptions.

Block 5: Database Query and Result Processing

```java TestDb2Util dbUtil = new TestDb2Util(); Connection conn = dbUtil.getDB2Connection("ET20"); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ... FROM ADMINT.MINI_M1_T ORDER BY mm1_org_code fetch first 100 rows only;"); List<facility> facList = new ArrayList<facility>(); while(rs.next()) { facList.add(new Facility(rs)); } ```

  • This block connects to a database using `TestDb2Util`, executes a SQL query, and retrieves the results into a `ResultSet`. It then iterates through the results, creating `Facility` objects for each row, and adds them to the `facList` list.

Block 6: Result Output

```java System.out.println(facList.size()); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(new File("facility.txt")); for(Facility fac: facList) { writer.write(fac.toString() + "\n"); } writer.close(); ```

  • This block prints the size of the `facList` and then writes the data from `facList` to a file named "facility.txt" in the current directory.

Block 7: Exception Handling

```java } catch(Exception ex) { assertTrue(false); } ```

  • This block handles exceptions by catching any exceptions that may occur during the database query and result processing. It asserts `false` to signal a test failure if an exception is caught.


In conclusion, the provided Java code showcases a JUnit test class, primarily designed for validating database connections, executing queries against a specific table, and archiving the results in a file. It efficiently utilizes the utility class TestDb2Util to streamline database connections. Additionally, the Facility class plays a pivotal role in processing and housing the data gleaned from the database, making it a powerful tool for database testing in Java applications.

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