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Creating a Word in Object-Oriented Python: Library Management System

July 09, 2024
Dr. David Adam
Dr. David
🇦🇺 Australia
Dr. David Adams, a distinguished Computer Science scholar, holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, Australia. With over 5 years of experience in the field, he has completed over 300 Python assignments, showcasing his deep understanding and expertise in the subject matter.
Tip of the day
Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
In 2025, JetBrains Fleet 2.0 introduced AI-powered code completion, while VS Code added advanced AI-driven bug detection and coding assistants, enhancing programming efficiency.
Key Topics
  • Crafting Realms in Object-Oriented Python
  • Block 1: `Book` Class Definition
  • Block 2: `scan` Method for `Book` Class
  • Block 3: `__repr__` Method for `Book` Class
  • Block 4: `Member` Class Definition
  • Block 5: `scan` Method for `Member` Class
  • Block 6: `__repr__` Method for `Member` Class
  • Block 7: `return_book` Method for `Member` Class
  • Block 8: `borrow` Method for `Member` Class
  • Block 9: Testing with Dummy Data
  • Block 10: Creating Book Objects
  • Block 11: Creating Member Objects
  • Conclusion

In this guide, we'll embark on an in-depth exploration of an object-oriented Python code that models a Library Management System. Throughout this journey, we will meticulously dissect the classes and methods used to efficiently manage books and library members, with a particular focus on the processes of borrowing and returning books. By understanding the inner workings of this Python code, you'll gain valuable insights into how object-oriented programming principles can be applied to real-world scenarios, making this guide an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced developers looking to enhance their programming skills.

Crafting Realms in Object-Oriented Python

Explore our comprehensive guide on object-oriented Python for library management systems. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, this guide equips you with the skills needed to efficiently manage books and members while offering help with your Python assignment. Gain valuable insights into the principles of object-oriented programming, delve into the intricacies of borrowing and returning books, and discover the versatility of Python for building robust, real-world solutions. This guide is your go-to resource for enhancing your programming skills and tackling Python assignments with confidence.

  1. Class Definitions:
    • `Book` class represents a book with attributes such as Number, Title, Author, Genre, SubGenre, Publisher, and availability status.
    • `Member` class represents a library member with attributes like ID, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Email, and a list of borrowed books.
  2. Member and Book Initialization:
    • Both `Book` and `Member` classes have `__init__` methods to initialize their attributes when instances are created.
  3. Scanning Methods:
    • Each class has a `scan` method to simulate scanning a book or membership card, returning relevant information.
  4. Borrowing and Returning Books:
    • The `Member` class includes methods for borrowing and returning books (`borrow` and `return_book` methods, respectively).
    • When a member borrows a book, the book's availability is set to False, and the book is added to the member's list of borrowed books.
    • When a member returns a book, it checks if the book was borrowed by the member, calculates a fine for late returns, and updates book availability and the member's borrowed book list.
  5. Creation of Book and Member Objects:
    • The code initializes dictionaries (`BooksDict` and `MembersDict`) where book and member objects are stored based on external data (`books_dict_json` and `membership_dict_json`).
  6. Testing
    • The code tests the `scan` methods with dummy data, creating instances of `Book` and `Member` classes and scanning them.

Now, let's split the code into smaller blocks and provide a detailed discussion of each block.

Block 1: `Book` Class Definition

```python class Book: #attributes associated with the book object def __init__(self, Number, Title, Author, Genre, SubGenre, Publisher, Available=True): self.Number = Number self.Title = Title self.Author = Author self.Genre = Genre self.SubGenre = SubGenre self.Publisher = Publisher self.Available = Available self.BorrowTime = 0 ```

  • This block defines the `Book` class, which represents a book.
  • The class has an `__init__` method to initialize its attributes: Number, Title, Author, Genre, SubGenre, Publisher, and Available (defaulted to True). It also initializes `BorrowTime` to 0.

Block 2: `scan` Method for `Book` Class

```python def scan(self): """Simulate scanning a book's barcode. Returns: str: The book number. """ return self.Number, self.Title ```

  • This block defines a `scan` method for the `Book` class.
  • The method simulates scanning a book's barcode and returns the book's Number and Title.

Block 3: `__repr__` Method for `Book` Class

```python def __repr__(self): return f'{self.Title} By {self.Author}' ```

  • This block defines the `__repr__` method for the `Book` class.
  • The method returns a string representation of the book as its Title followed by its Author.

Block 4: `Member` Class Definition

```python class Member: def __init__(self, ID, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Email, CardNumber): self.ID = ID self.FirstName = FirstName self.LastName = LastName self.Gender = Gender self.Email = Email self.CardNumber = CardNumber self.BorrowedBooks = [] ```

  • This block defines the `Member` class, representing a library member.
  • The class has an `__init__` method to initialize attributes, including ID, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Email, CardNumber, and an empty list for borrowed books.

Block 5: `scan` Method for `Member` Class

```python def scan(self): """Simulate scanning a membership card. Returns: str: The member ID. """ return self.ID, '{} {}'.format(self.FirstName, self.LastName), self.CardNumber ```

  • This block defines a `scan` method for the `Member` class.
  • The method simulates scanning a membership card and returns the member's ID, full name, and CardNumber.

Block 6: `__repr__` Method for `Member` Class

```python def __repr__(self): return f'{self.ID} - {self.FirstName} {self.LastName}' ```

  • This block defines the `__repr__` method for the `Member` class.
  • The method returns a string representation of the member with their ID and full name.

Block 7: `return_book` Method for `Member` Class

```python def return_book(self, BookObject): Found = False for i in range(len(self.BorrowedBooks)): if self.BorrowedBooks[i].Number == BookObject.Number: Found = True break if Found: BorrowTime = BookObject.BorrowTime days = datetime.date.today() - BorrowTime BookObject.BorrowTime = 0 BookObject.Available = True self.BorrowedBooks.pop(i) if days.days > 14: fine = (days.days - 14) print(f'The book has been returned late. The fine is £{fine:.2f}') return fine else: print('The book has been returned successfully.') return True else: print('The book is not borrowed by the member') return False ```

  • This block defines the `return_book` method for the `Member` class, which allows a member to return a borrowed book. It checks for late returns, updates book availability, and handles the fine calculation.

Block 8: `borrow` Method for `Member` Class

```python def borrow(self, BookObject): if BookObject.Available: BookObject.Available = False BookObject.BorrowTime = datetime.date.today() self.BorrowedBooks.append(BookObject) print('Successfully loaned.') return True else: print('Unable to loan.') return False ```

  • This block defines the `borrow` method for the `Member` class, allowing members to borrow books, provided the book is available.

Block 9: Testing with Dummy Data

```python # Create instances of Member and Book classes with dummy data member1 = Member(35, "John", "Doe", "M", "j.doe@gmail.com", 18) book1 = Book('22', "It Ends with Us", "Colleen Hoover", "Fiction", "Romance", "Penguin") # Test the scan() methods and print the results print("Scanning Member Card:") member_scan_result = member1.scan() print(f"Member ID: {member_scan_result[0]}, Full Name: {member_scan_result[1]}, Card Number: {member_scan_result[2]}") print("\nScanning Book:") book_scan_result = book1.scan() print(f"Book Number: {book_scan_result[0]}, Title: {book_scan_result[1]}") ```

  • This block creates instances of the `Member` and `Book` classes with dummy data and tests their `scan` methods.

Block 10: Creating Book Objects

```python BooksDict = {} for i, j in books_dict_json.items(): BookObject = Book(j["Number"], j["Title"], j["Author"], j["Genre"], j["SubGenre"], j["Publisher"]) BooksDict[i] = BookObject ```

  • This block creates `Book` objects based on data from the `books_dict_json` dictionary and stores them in a `BooksDict` dictionary.

Block 11: Creating Member Objects

```python MembersDict = {} for i, j in membership_dict_json.items(): MemberObject = Member(j['ID'], j['FirstName'], j['LastName'], j['Gender'], j['Email'], j['CardNumber']) MembersDict[i] = MemberObject ```

  • This block creates `Member` objects based on data from the `membership_dict_json` dictionary and stores them in a `MembersDict` dictionary.


In conclusion, our journey through the object-oriented Python code for the Library Management System reveals the power of OOP principles in real-world applications. By dissecting the intricacies of book and member management, we've explored the fundamental concepts of classes and methods, demonstrating how they facilitate efficient library operations. This guide serves as a valuable resource for both aspiring and seasoned programmers, highlighting the versatility of Python for creating robust, organized systems. It is a testament to the practicality and adaptability of object-oriented programming in the development of functional, real-world solutions.

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