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Write a BBC micro:bit LED Animation Program in Assembly Language

July 16, 2024
Dr. John L. Sanders
Dr. John
🇸🇬 Singapore
Assembly Language
Dr. John L. Sanders holds a PhD from The University of Adelaide and brings over 10 years of extensive experience in Low-Level Language Assignments. With a remarkable record of completing over 900 assignments, Dr. Sanders combines academic rigor with practical insights to provide students with effective solutions and personalized guidance. His commitment to excellence and depth of knowledge make him a trusted resource for mastering low-level programming concepts.
Key Topics
  • Crafting Microcontroller LED Animations
  • Prerequisites
  • The Code
  • Conclusion
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In this guide, we invite you to delve into the captivating realm of microcontroller programming. Together, we will navigate the process of creating an enchanting LED animation for the BBC micro:bit using assembly language. Our journey will involve a careful dissection of the code, piece by piece, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of each component. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced coder, this guide will empower you to breathe life into your micro:bit's LED matrix with creative animations.

Crafting Microcontroller LED Animations

Explore the intricacies of microcontroller programming with our comprehensive guide on how to write your Assembly language assignment for the BBC micro:bit to create captivating LED animations. Gain hands-on experience and master the art of crafting mesmerizing LED displays while honing your assembly programming skills. Our step-by-step instructions will empower you to bring your micro:bit to life with dynamic LED animations.


Before diving into the world of microcontroller programming, ensure you have all the necessary tools at your disposal. This includes an assembler and a reliable method for flashing your micro:bit with the custom program.

The Code

Let's roll up our sleeves and start coding the assembly program to breathe life into the micro:bit's LED matrix.

```assembly ; BBC micro:bit LED Animation in Assembly ; Define micro:bit I/O registers SETUP_IO equ 0x5000 ; I/O setup registers base address GPIO_DATA equ 0x5028 ; GPIO data register GPIO_DIRSET equ 0x5040 ; GPIO direction set register GPIO_OUTSET equ 0x5044 ; GPIO output set register GPIO_OUTCLR equ 0x5048 ; GPIO output clear register ; Define constants LED_ON equ 1 ; Value to turn on an LED LED_OFF equ 0 ; Value to turn off an LED DELAY_COUNT equ 50000 ; Delay loop count section .text main: ; Initialize GPIO for LED matrix ldr r0, =SETUP_IO ldr r1, =0x00007FFF ; Set pins 0-14 as outputs for LED matrix str r1, [r0, GPIO_DIRSET] ; Main LED animation loop mov r2, LED_ON ; Initialize LED state to ON loop: ; Display LED state ldr r1, [r0, GPIO_DATA] ; Load current LED state eor r1, r1, r2 ; Toggle the LED state str r1, [r0, GPIO_DATA] ; Set LED state ; Delay loop for animation mov r3, DELAY_COUNT delay_loop: subs r3, r3, 1 bne delay_loop ; Toggle LED state for the next frame eor r2, r2, LED_ON ; Repeat the loop b loop ; End of program ```

Code Explanation

Now, let's break down the code block by block, so you can confidently grasp the inner workings of this LED animation program.

  1. Define Constants: We start by establishing constants for essential micro:bit I/O registers, LED states, and the delay loop count.
  2. Initialization: In the main section, we kickstart the micro:bit's GPIO pins, configuring pins 0 to 14 as outputs for the LED matrix.
  3. Main Animation Loop: This is the heart of our LED animation. We skillfully toggle the LED state using the eor instruction and introduce a delay loop to control the animation's tempo.
  4. Toggle LED State: Following each animation frame, we ingeniously flip the LED state, crafting the mesmerizing animation effect.
  5. Repeat the Loop: The animation loop tirelessly repeats, bringing your LED matrix to life.


You've embarked on an exhilarating journey into the world of microcontroller programming. With this assembly language program, you now have the power to create captivating LED animations for your BBC micro:bit. Feel free to modify and expand upon this code to craft even more enchanting LED displays and unlock the full potential of microcontroller programming.

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