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Program To Implement a Grocery Store Program in C Assignment Solutions

June 13, 2024
Dr. Brian Thompson
Dr. Brian
🇨🇦 Canada
Dr. Brian Thompson is a seasoned professional with a PhD in Computer Science from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. With 7 years of experience, he has completed over 700 C programming assignments with precision and accuracy. Dr. Thompson's specialization in software engineering and cybersecurity ensures that his solutions are not only efficient but also robust and secure.
Key Topics
  • Instructions
    • Objective
  • Requirements and Specifications
Tip of the day
Break your Python assignment into smaller tasks and test each part separately. Use meaningful variable names, write comments for clarity, and leverage built-in functions to simplify your code.
In 2025, JetBrains Fleet 2.0 introduced AI-powered code completion, while VS Code added advanced AI-driven bug detection and coding assistants, enhancing programming efficiency.



Write a program to implement a grocery store program in C language.

Requirements and Specifications

You have been asked to write a C assignment for a grocery store that will:

  1. Start by allowing the entry of the current stock in the store, which it will save and update during the day.
  2. Switch to sales mode where it will act like a cash register and allow customers to purchase things. It will update the inventory as items are sold and will produce an itemized receipt for the customer.
  3. At the end of the day, print a summary of the sales, the inventory remaining and the top sellers in each category.

Products for sale are identified by name, and are placed in a category and the category is entered by its number:

  • produce
  • bakery
  • meat
  • dairy
  • baking
  • house wares
  • miscellaneous

Each item has a price and an indication of whether it is sold per unit or by weight which is entered as 0 if sold by the number purchased or 1 if sold by weight. It also indicates how much we have of this item either in units or by weight rounded down to the nearest kilogram. When we sell items, they are sold by weight in fractional Kg or by integral unit counts. When the final amounts in inventory are calculated, they are rounded down to the nearest Kg for items sold by weight. If a customer tries to purchase more of something than we have in stock, we sell only the amount we have in stock. Most groceries are tax free except items in the house wares and miscellaneous categories which are taxed at 13%. The list of items being purchased is terminated by an item with the ID of 0. A sale with no items added to it marks the end of sales which should be followed by the summary of the day’s sales. Input data should be checked for correct category range (1-7), sold by weight range (0-1). As the stock is entered, each item is assigned a numeric identifier from 1 upwards in the order the items are entered. For stock entry, you can assume that each item is only entered once. When purchasing, the customer will identify the product to purchase by the identifier assigned to it when it was entered in the stock and listed in the initial stock report in the ID column. These product ID number should be checked to ensure that they are valid.

Below this section you will find:

  1. main.c which is the main for the program. This means that you will need to implement the data structures it uses and the functions it uses in the files stock.h and stock.c. You SHOULD create additional functions, other than the ones called from main, to create a highly modular, well-designed program. Your code will be tested against this main.c and your code must work and produce the expected output.
  2. A sample execution of the program to which your program’s output should look very similar.
  3. Sample data which can be cut and pasted into the program for final testing. This is the data which generated the sample output.

You are required to:

  1. Place a comment at the top of both stock.h and stock.c listing the names of every member of the group.
  2. Individually write a reflection based on the questions below and submit it on Blackboard. This means that a group of 3 students will need to submit 3 different reflections.
  3. BONUS: (5%) if you read the existing stock from a file containing the test data with the errors fixed. You will need to correct the errors in the data and place it in a file. Then, you can read it from the file without the error checking that is done with the manually typed version. You can change the value of the constant STOCK_FROM_STDIN declared in main to allow you to read from a file. Note that the sales will continue to be read from stdin, it is only the initial stock which will be read from the file. This will change the output to show the initial prompt for stock followed immediately the summary of the opening stock. The typing of the stock will vanish as it is being read from a file.


In your reflections you should present your answers in depth and suitable answers should take at least 100 words for each of the reflections. That implies a minimum of 300 words for all of the reflections. Each member of the group must write their own reflections and submit them as an individual.

  1. This is a highly modular program consisting of multiple functions. For each function you personally wrote, describe what it does and why it deserves to be a function. Be sure to include the functions you added which were not called directly from main.
  2. The input for the program is different from what you are accustomed to seeing. Rather than prompting for each individual value, it prompts for several values at once. What benefit does this provide? How does it complicate the reading of the input? How were you able to handle the commas separating the input values?
  3. Finding the top sellers in each category requires the development of an algorithm. Describe how you went about developing this algorithm. Then, describe how your algorithm works.

Source Code

#include #include #include #include "stock.h" char* categories[] = {"produce", "bakery", "meat", "dairy", "baking", "house wares", "miscellaneous"}; void readLine(FILE* f, char *line) { if (f == NULL) { fgets(line, 256, stdin); } else { fgets(line, 256, f); } } int readStockItems(struct StockRecord *stockRecord, int size, int useStdIn) { char defaultInputFilename[] = "input.txt"; FILE *f = NULL; if (useStdIn == 0) { f = fopen(defaultInputFilename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { printf("Can not open input file\n"); return 0; } } char line[256]; int count = 0; while(1) { readLine(f, line); char *pch = strtok(line, ","); struct StockRecord *current = &(stockRecord[count]); current->amount = atof(pch); current->initAmount = current->amount; if (current->amount == 0) { break; } pch = strtok(NULL, ","); while (1) { current->category = atoi(pch); if (current->category < 1 || current->category > 7) { printf("Invalid Category - Enter a number between 1 and 7: "); readLine(f, line); pch = strtok(line, ","); continue; } break; } pch = strtok(NULL, ","); current->price = atof(pch); pch = strtok(NULL, ","); while (1) { current->byWeight = atoi(pch); if (current->byWeight < 0 || current->byWeight > 1) { printf("Invalid soldByWeight - Enter a number between 0 and 1: "); readLine(f, line); pch = strtok(line, ","); continue; } break; } current->name = malloc(256*sizeof(char)); strcpy(current->name,strtok(NULL, "\n")); current->id = count; count++; } printf("%s\n", stockRecord[0].name); if (useStdIn == 0) { fclose(f); } return count; } void centreText(int len, char c, char* s) { int sLen = strlen(s); int firstPart = (len - sLen) / 2; int secondPart = (len - sLen + 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i printf("%c", c); } printf("%s", s); for (int i = 0; i printf("%c", c); } printf("\n"); } void printStockReport(struct StockRecord *stockRecord, int size) { printf("%4s%31s%16s%8s%9s\n", "ID", "Product", "Category", "Price", "Quantity"); for (int i = 0; i struct StockRecord *current = &(stockRecord[i]); printf("%4d%31s%16s %6.2f%9.0f\n", (i+1), current->name, categories[current->category-1], current->price, current->amount); } } int readSale(struct StockRecord *stockRecord, int size, struct SalesRecord *salesRecord) { char line[256]; int count = 0; while(1) { printf("Enter a product ID to purchase, and the quantity (0 to stop): "); readLine(NULL, line); char *pch = strtok(line, ","); struct SalesRecord *current = &(salesRecord[count]); int id = atoi(pch); if (id == 0) { break; } if (id < 1 || id > size) { printf("Invalid Product - Enter a number between 1 and %d: ", size); continue; } current->id = id; pch = strtok(NULL, ","); double quantity = atof(pch); if (quantity < 0.1 || quantity > 100) { printf("Invalid quantity - Enter a number between 0.10 and 100.00: "); continue; } current->quantity = quantity; count++; } return count; } double printSalesReport(struct StockRecord *stockRecord, struct SalesRecord *salesRecord, int size) { double overall = 0.0; double tax = 0.0; centreText(70, '*', " Seneca Groceries "); printf("\n"); centreText(70, '=', ""); printf("\n"); for (int i = 0; i struct SalesRecord *sales = &(salesRecord[i]); struct StockRecord *stock = &(stockRecord[sales->id-1]); double q = sales->quantity > stock->amount ? stock->amount : sales->quantity; stock->amount -= q; double total = q * stock->price; overall += total; int category = stock->category; if (category == 6 || category == 7) { tax += 0.13 * total; } printf("%35s%10.2f%10.2f\n", stock->name, stock->price, total); } printf("%-35s %10.2f\n", "Purchase Total", overall); printf("%-35s %10.2f\n", "Tax", tax); printf("%-35s %10.2f\n", "Total", (tax + overall)); printf("Thank you for shopping at Seneca!\n"); return overall; } void getTopSellers(struct StockRecord *stockRecord, int size, struct SalesRecord *salesRecord, int top, int cat) { struct StockRecord *copy[size]; int catCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i if (stockRecord[i].category-1 == cat && stockRecord[i].initAmount > stockRecord[i].amount) { copy[catCount] = &(stockRecord[i]); catCount++; } } for (int i = 0; i for (int j = i+1; j double di = copy[i]->initAmount - copy[i]->amount; double dj = copy[j]->initAmount - copy[j]->amount; if (dj > di) { struct StockRecord *sw = copy[j]; copy[j] = copy[i]; copy[i] = sw; } } } for (int i = 0; i if (i < catCount) { salesRecord[i].id = copy[i]->id; salesRecord[i].quantity = copy[i]->initAmount - copy[i]->amount; } else { salesRecord[i].id = -1; salesRecord[i].quantity = 0.0; } } } void printTopSellers(struct StockRecord *stockRecord, struct SalesRecord *salesRecord, int top, int cat) { char title[70]; sprintf(title, " Top %d sellers in %s", top, categories[cat]); centreText(70, '-', title); printf("%4s%31s%16s\n", "Rank", "Product", "Sales"); for (int i = 0; i if (salesRecord[i].id == -1) { printf("%4d%31s%13.2f\n", (i+1), "", 0.0); } else { printf("%4d%31s%13.2f\n", (i+1), stockRecord[salesRecord[i].id].name, salesRecord[i].quantity); } } }

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