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Optimizing Pipeline Performance in Modern CPUs for Efficient CPU design

August 20, 2024
Josh Kaiser
Josh Kaiser
🇺🇸 United States
Computer Science
Josh Kaiser is a computer architect with over 15 years of experience in optimizing CPU performance and pipeline design, specializing in data hazards, forwarding techniques, and advanced processor efficiency.

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Key Topics
  • Problem 1: Clock Cycle Time and Execution Time Analysis
  • Problem 2: Pipeline Execution Diagram
  • Problem 3: Percentage of Useful Work in the Pipeline
  • Problem 4: Fraction of Cycles Stalling Due to Data Hazards
  • Problem 5: Trade-offs in Forwarding Options
  • Problem 6: Speedup with Full Forwarding
  • Conclusion

Optimizing the performance of pipelined processors is a fundamental challenge in computer architecture, one that demands a deep understanding of how instructions are executed and how various hazards can be mitigated. Pipelining, a technique that allows multiple instruction phases to be processed simultaneously, significantly enhances CPU performance but also introduces a host of complexities. These complexities, such as data hazards, branch prediction, and forwarding mechanisms, are critical areas of focus for students and professionals working on computer architecture assignments or projects related to CPU design and optimization.

This blog will guide you through a series of intricate problems related to pipeline performance, providing detailed solutions and explanations. These problems, while specific in nature, represent common challenges in pipeline optimization. By dissecting these problems step-by-step, we aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to approach similar tasks with confidence. Whether you’re solving programming assignment or refining your expertise, this guide will help you navigate the complexities of pipeline performance in modern processors.


Problem 1: Clock Cycle Time and Execution Time Analysis

Assume a pipeline with stall-on-branch and no delay slots. The problem asks to calculate the new clock cycle time and execution time of an instruction sequence when the beq address computation is moved from the EX stage to the MEM stage. It also asks to compute the speedup from this change, assuming the EX stage's latency is reduced by 20 ps and the MEM stage's latency is unchanged.


1. Understand the Pipeline Stages:The pipeline consists of five stages: IF, ID, EX, MEM, and WB. The `beq` address computation typically occurs in the EX stage, but we're moving it to the MEM stage.

2. Clock Cycle Time:

  • Original EX stage latency: `T_ex_original`
  • New EX stage latency after reduction: `T_ex_new = T_ex_original - 20 ps`
  • MEM stage latency: `T_mem`

The clock cycle time is determined by the stage with the maximum latency. Initially, it might have been the EX stage, but after reducing its latency, the MEM stage could become the bottleneck.

So, the new clock cycle time, `T_cycle_new`, will be:

Tcycle_new = max(Tex_new,Tmem)

3. Execution Time:

  • Execution time is calculated as:

Execution Time=Clock Cycle Time * Number of Cycles

Assuming the number of cycles remains unchanged, the new execution time will be:

Execution Timenew = Tcycle_new * Number of Cycles

4. Speedup:

  • Speedup is the ratio of the original execution time to the new execution time:

Speedup = Tcycle_original / Tcycle_new

Plug in the values calculated to determine the speedup.

Problem 2: Pipeline Execution Diagram

Show a pipeline execution diagram for the third iteration of the given loop, assuming perfect branch prediction, no delay slots, and full forwarding support.


1. Instruction Sequence:

  • loop: lw r1, 0(r1)
  • and r1, r1, r2
  • lw r1, 0(r1)
  • lw r1, 0(r1)
  • beq r1, r0, loop

2. Assumptions:

  • Perfect branch prediction implies no stalls due to control hazards.
  • Full forwarding minimizes data hazards.

3. Pipeline Execution Diagram:

  • The diagram starts at the cycle when the first instruction of the third iteration is fetched and ends before fetching the first instruction of the next iteration.
Cyclelw r1, 0(r1)and r1, r1, r2lw r1, 0(r1)lw r1, 0(r1)beq r1, r0, loop


  • Cycle 1: The lw instruction enters the IF stage.
  • Cycle 2: The lw instruction moves to ID, and the and instruction enters IF.
  • Cycle 3: The lw instruction moves to EX, and the and instruction moves to ID. The next lw instruction enters IF.
  • Continue this pattern, noting that all stages are utilized fully with minimal idle cycles, thanks to forwarding.

Problem 3: Percentage of Useful Work in the Pipeline

Problem: Determine the percentage of cycles in which all five pipeline stages are doing useful work.


1. Pipeline Stages:

  • For an instruction to be in the pipeline, all five stages (IF, ID, EX, MEM, WB) need to be active.

2. Pipeline Activity:

  • Initially, the pipeline fills up, and it might take a few cycles for all stages to become active. After the pipeline is fully occupied, each new instruction enters IF as one completes WB.

3. Calculate the Percentage:

  • Assume it takes n cycles to fill the pipeline. Once filled, every cycle should have all five stages active.

If m cycles have all stages active and N total cycles are considered, the percentage of cycles where all stages are doing useful work is:

Percentage = (m/N)×100

For a loop with many iterations, the pipeline will be fully utilized for most of the cycles, giving a high percentage.

Problem 4: Fraction of Cycles Stalling Due to Data Hazards

Problem: Calculate the fraction of cycles that are stalling due to data hazards in two scenarios: without forwarding and with full forwarding.


1. Without Forwarding:

  • Data hazards occur when an instruction depends on the result of a previous instruction that hasn't completed its write-back.

Given the fractions of instructions causing RAW dependencies:

  • EX to 1st: 5%
  • MEM to 1st: 20%
  • EX to 2nd: 10%
  • MEM to 2nd: 10%

The fraction of cycles stalling can be derived from these percentages. Assume that the pipeline stalls fully for these hazards when there's no forwarding.

The stalling fraction is the sum of these dependencies that cause stalls.

Fraction Stalling:

Stalling Fraction=EX to 1st+MEM to 1st+EX to 2nd+MEM to 2nd=5%+20%+10%+10%=45%

2. With Full Forwarding:

  • Full forwarding resolves most RAW hazards, significantly reducing stalls. Only a small percentage of hazards that can't be resolved by forwarding might cause stalls.

The remaining fraction stalling with full forwarding would be minimal.

Fraction Stalling:

Stalling Fraction (with forwarding)=EX to 2nd + MEM to 2nd=10%+10%=20

Problem 5: Trade-offs in Forwarding Options

Problem: Decide between forwarding from EX/MEM pipeline register (next-cycle forwarding) or MEM/WB pipeline register (two-cycle forwarding) by analyzing which results in fewer data stall cycles.


1. Next-Cycle Forwarding:

  • Forwarding from the EX/MEM pipeline register provides the result in the next cycle, reducing stalls for dependencies where the result is needed immediately by the next instruction.

Stall Reduction:

  • This method reduces stalls significantly for EX to 1st and MEM to 1st type hazards.

2. Two-Cycle Forwarding:

  • Forwarding from the MEM/WB pipeline register provides the result two cycles after it was produced. This helps with hazards that need results after one intervening instruction.

Stall Reduction:

  • This reduces stalls for EX to 2nd and MEM to 2nd type hazards.

3. Comparison:

  • Next-Cycle Forwarding: Reduces stalls for immediate dependencies, which are more frequent.
  • Two-Cycle Forwarding: Reduces stalls for less frequent dependencies.

Since immediate dependencies (EX to 1st and MEM to 1st) are more common, next-cycle forwarding generally results in fewer data stall cycles.

Problem 6: Speedup with Full Forwarding

Problem: Calculate the speedup achieved by adding full forwarding to a pipeline that previously had no forwarding.


1. Without Forwarding:

  • Stalling fraction: 45% (as calculated earlier).
  • Effective CPI without forwarding:

CPI=1+Stalling Fraction=1+0.45=1.45

2. With Full Forwarding:

  • Stalling fraction: 20%.
  • Effective CPI with forwarding:

CPI=1+Stalling Fraction (with forwarding)=1+0.2=1.2

3. Speedup Calculation:

Speedup=CPI without forwarding/CPI with forwarding=1.45/1.2≈1.208

The speedup achieved by adding full forwarding is approximately 1.208x.


Optimizing pipelined processors is a crucial task in computer architecture, requiring a deep understanding of how instructions flow through the pipeline and how potential hazards can be mitigated. By examining a variety of problems related to pipeline performance, we’ve explored essential techniques for analyzing and optimizing CPU pipelines.

Each problem provided insight into different aspects of pipeline operation, from calculating clock cycle times and execution times to visualizing pipeline execution and assessing the impact of data hazards. The detailed solutions offered a practical approach to tackling similar challenges, emphasizing the importance of careful architectural decisions in maximizing processor efficiency.

Whether you're a student learning about pipelines for the first time or a professional refining your skills, mastering these concepts is key to designing and analyzing high-performance processors. With the knowledge and techniques discussed in this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to handle complex pipeline optimization tasks, ensuring that your processors achieve the highest possible performance with minimal delays and maximum throughput. And if you ever find yourself needing additional help, remember that expert assistance is available to help you solve your programming assignment efficiently and effectively.

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