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Demand Paging Virtual Memory Simulator with FIFO OPT LRU and LFU Algorithms in Operating Systems

September 23, 2024
Robert Hampton
Robert Hampton
🇨🇦 Canada
Operating System
Robert Hampton is an experienced software engineer specializing in operating systems and memory management. With extensive knowledge in virtual memory and algorithms.

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Key Topics
  • Understanding Virtual Memory and Demand Paging
    • Virtual Memory
    • Demand Paging
    • Page Replacement Algorithms
  • Designing the Simulator
    • Requirements Breakdown
    • Data Structures
  • Implementing the Simulator
    • 1. Setting Up the Menu System
    • 2. Reading and Generating Reference Strings
    • 3. Implementing Page Replacement Algorithms
    • 4. Testing and Debugging
  • Conclusion

Demand paging is a fundamental concept in modern operating systems, enabling efficient use of memory by only loading pages when they are needed. For students learning about operating systems, programming a virtual memory simulator provides a hands-on experience with memory management algorithms. This guide will walk you through the detailed process of designing and implementing a demand paging virtual memory simulator, focusing on key algorithms such as FIFO, OPT, LRU, and LFU. We will explore the steps involved, from understanding the problem to implementing and testing the solution.

Programming assignments involving complex operating systems can be daunting, but with a structured approach, they become manageable and even enjoyable. In this blog, we'll delve into the detailed process of designing and implementing a demand paging virtual memory simulator, a common assignment in operating systems courses. This guide will help you not only to complete your operating system assignments but also understand the core concepts underlying them.

Understanding Virtual Memory and Demand Paging


Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is an abstraction that allows a computer to use more memory than is physically available by utilizing disk storage. It provides an environment where applications can operate as if they have access to a large, continuous block of memory, even if the actual physical memory is fragmented or limited. Virtual memory systems use paging to manage memory, breaking it into fixed-size blocks known as pages.

Demand Paging

Demand paging is a memory management technique where pages are only loaded into physical memory when they are needed, rather than loading the entire program into memory at once. This technique improves efficiency and allows systems to handle larger programs than would be possible with only physical memory.

Page Replacement Algorithms

When physical memory is full, and a new page needs to be loaded, the system must decide which page to replace. This decision is made using page replacement algorithms. The primary algorithms to be implemented in a demand paging simulator include:

  • FIFO (First-In-First-Out): This algorithm replaces the oldest page in memory, which is the page that has been in memory the longest.
  • OPT (Optimal): The optimal algorithm replaces the page that will not be used for the longest period of time in the future. It is theoretical and used as a benchmark for evaluating other algorithms.
  • LRU (Least Recently Used): LRU replaces the page that has not been used for the longest period of time. This algorithm approximates optimal behavior and is commonly used in real systems.
  • LFU (Least Frequently Used): LFU replaces the page that has been used the fewest times. This algorithm assumes that pages with fewer accesses are less likely to be used in the near future.

Designing the Simulator

Requirements Breakdown

Before starting with the code, let's break down the assignment requirements:

  1. Text-Based Application: The simulator must be a command-line application, not a graphical one.
  2. Algorithm Implementation: Implement FIFO, OPT, LRU, and LFU algorithms.
  3. Command-Line Arguments: The number of physical frames (N) is provided as a command-line argument.
  4. Reference String: A reference string (sequence of page accesses) is either read from the keyboard or generated randomly.
  5. Menu System: A menu-based interface to interact with the simulator, with options to read, generate, display reference strings, and simulate algorithms.

Data Structures

Choosing the right data structures is crucial for implementing the page replacement algorithms efficiently. Here’s a brief overview of the data structures you might use:

  • Physical Memory: An array or list to store the pages currently in physical memory.
  • Queues: Useful for FIFO, where you need to maintain the order of page entries.
  • Stacks: Useful for LRU, to track the order of page accesses.
  • Counters: Useful for LFU, to count the number of accesses to each page.

Implementing the Simulator

1. Setting Up the Menu System

The menu system provides an interface for users to interact with the simulator. The following example demonstrates how to create a basic menu system in C++:

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> // Function prototypes void readReferenceString(std::vector<int>& referenceString); void generateReferenceString(std::vector<int>& referenceString); void displayReferenceString(const std::vector<int>& referenceString); void simulateFIFO(const std::vector<int>& referenceString, int numFrames); // Implement other functions... int main() { std::vector<int> referenceString; int numFrames; std::cout << "Enter number of physical frames: "; std::cin >> numFrames; while (true) { std::cout << "Menu:\n"; std::cout << "0 - Exit\n"; std::cout << "1 - Read reference string\n"; std::cout << "2 - Generate reference string\n"; std::cout << "3 - Display current reference string\n"; std::cout << "4 - Simulate FIFO\n"; std::cout << "5 - Simulate OPT\n"; std::cout << "6 - Simulate LRU\n"; std::cout << "7 - Simulate LFU\n"; int choice; std::cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 0: return 0; case 1: readReferenceString(referenceString); break; case 2: generateReferenceString(referenceString); break; case 3: displayReferenceString(referenceString); break; case 4: simulateFIFO(referenceString, numFrames); break; case 5: simulateOPT(referenceString, numFrames); break; case 6: simulateLRU(referenceString, numFrames); break; case 7: simulateLFU(referenceString, numFrames); break; default: std::cout << "Invalid option. Please try again.\n"; break; } } }

2. Reading and Generating Reference Strings

Reading Reference Strings

To read a reference string from the keyboard:

void readReferenceString(std::vector<int>& referenceString) { referenceString.clear(); std::cout << "Enter the reference string (end with -1): "; int page; while (std::cin >> page && page != -1) { if (page >= 0 && page < 10) { // Assuming page numbers are between 0 and 9 referenceString.push_back(page); } else { std::cout << "Invalid page number. Please enter a number between 0 and 9.\n"; } } }

Generating Reference Strings

To generate a random reference string:

void generateReferenceString(std::vector<int>& referenceString) { referenceString.clear(); std::cout << "Enter the length of the reference string: "; int length; std::cin >> length; std::srand(std::time(0)); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { referenceString.push_back(std::rand() % 10); // Random page number between 0 and 9 } }

3. Implementing Page Replacement Algorithms

FIFO (First-In-First-Out)

void simulateFIFO(const std::vector<int>& referenceString, int numFrames) { std::vector<int> memory(numFrames, -1); std::deque<int> pageQueue; int pageFaults = 0; for (int page : referenceString) { auto it = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), page); if (it == memory.end()) { // Page fault pageFaults++; if (pageQueue.size() == numFrames) { int oldestPage = pageQueue.front(); pageQueue.pop_front(); auto pos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), oldestPage); *pos = page; } else { auto pos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), -1); *pos = page; } pageQueue.push_back(page); } std::cout << "Current Memory: "; for (int p : memory) std::cout << p << " "; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Press Enter to continue..."; std::cin.ignore(); } std::cout << "Total page faults: " << pageFaults << "\n"; }

OPT (Optimal)

void simulateOPT(const std::vector<int>& referenceString, int numFrames) { std::vector<int> memory(numFrames, -1); int pageFaults = 0; for (int i = 0; i < referenceString.size(); ++i) { int page = referenceString[i]; auto it = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), page); if (it == memory.end()) { // Page fault pageFaults++; if (std::count(memory.begin(), memory.end(), -1) > 0) { auto pos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), -1); *pos = page; } else { std::vector<int> futureReference; for (int j = i + 1; j < referenceString.size(); ++j) { futureReference.push_back(referenceString[j]); } int furthestIndex = 0; int pageToReplace = memory[0]; for (int j = 0; j < memory.size(); ++j) { auto pos = std::find(futureReference.begin(), futureReference.end(), memory[j]); if (pos == futureReference.end()) { pageToReplace = memory[j]; break; } else if (pos - futureReference.begin() > furthestIndex) { furthestIndex = pos - futureReference.begin(); pageToReplace = memory[j]; } } auto replacePos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), pageToReplace); *replacePos = page; } } std::cout << "Current Memory: "; for (int p : memory) std::cout << p << " "; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Press Enter to continue..."; std::cin.ignore(); } std::cout << "Total page faults: " << pageFaults << "\n"; }

LRU (Least Recently Used)

void simulateLRU(const std::vector<int>& referenceString, int numFrames) { std::vector<int> memory(numFrames, -1); std::list<int> pageList; int pageFaults = 0; for (int page : referenceString) { auto it = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), page); if (it == memory.end()) { // Page fault pageFaults++; if (pageList.size() == numFrames) { int lruPage = pageList.back(); pageList.pop_back(); auto pos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), lruPage); *pos = page; } else { auto pos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), -1); *pos = page; } } else { pageList.remove(page); } pageList.push_front(page); std::cout << "Current Memory: "; for (int p : memory) std::cout << p << " "; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Press Enter to continue..."; std::cin.ignore(); } std::cout << "Total page faults: " << pageFaults << "\n"; }

LFU (Least Frequently Used)

void simulateLFU(const std::vector<int>& referenceString, int numFrames) { std::vector<int> memory(numFrames, -1); std::map<int, int> pageFrequency; int pageFaults = 0; for (int page : referenceString) { auto it = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), page); if (it == memory.end()) { // Page fault pageFaults++; if (std::count(memory.begin(), memory.end(), -1) > 0) { auto pos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), -1); *pos = page; } else { int lfuPage = memory[0]; int minFrequency = pageFrequency[lfuPage]; for (int p : memory) { if (pageFrequency[p] < minFrequency) { lfuPage = p; minFrequency = pageFrequency[p]; } } auto replacePos = std::find(memory.begin(), memory.end(), lfuPage); *replacePos = page; } } pageFrequency[page]++; std::cout << "Current Memory: "; for (int p : memory) std::cout << p << " "; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Press Enter to continue..."; std::cin.ignore(); } std::cout << "Total page faults: " << pageFaults << "\n"; }

4. Testing and Debugging

Testing is crucial to ensure your simulator works correctly. Here’s how you can approach it:

  • Test with Different Reference Strings: Use a variety of reference strings, including those with repeated pages and those with no repeated pages.
  • Validate Input: Ensure that user inputs, such as the number of frames and the reference string, are correctly validated.
  • Check Edge Cases: Test cases where the number of frames is less than or equal to the number of unique pages, and scenarios with minimal or maximal reference string lengths.


Tackling complex programming assignments like building a demand paging virtual memory simulator requires a systematic approach. Designing and implementing a demand paging virtual memory simulator is an excellent way to understand the intricacies of memory management and page replacement algorithms. By following this detailed guide, you can create a functional and educational simulator that will help you grasp these fundamental concepts. Remember to break down the problem into manageable parts, use appropriate data structures, and rigorously test your implementation. This approach not only helps in completing data structures assignment but also deepens your understanding of core programming and system concepts.

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